41 John St, Babylon, NY 11702

Midtown East, NY Sports Chiropractor Boosts Performance

Data suggests that not only can chiropractic soothe sports injuries, it may even offer you a competitive edge. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics indicates frequent chiropractic neck adjustments can improve grip strength. The findings could have important implications for competitors in racquet sports, martial arts, or baseball.

The trial included 18 professional judo athletes who received either chiropractic care or a placebo treatment. Scientists used a hydraulic dynamometer to determine the force of athletes' grip strength directly before and after each therapy. The authors specifically examined grip strength because martial arts require powerful upper-body strength. Treatment included three chiropractic neck adjustments. The patients who received chiropractic care experienced statistically significant gains in grip strength, whereas the placebo treatment did not produce significant results. Generally chiropractic increased grip strength by 10 to 16 percent.

So if you’re looking to boost your athletic performance or recover from a sports injury, visiting our office in Midtown East, NY could be your secret weapon. Dr. Valente is an experienced sports chiropractor and has and is accustomed to treating athletes with a broad range of ages, experience levels, and sports focuses. Dr. Valente can work with you to address muscle imbalances or underlying musculoskeletal problems that could be inhibiting your performance. With exercise rehabilitation, chiropractic adjustments, and massage, our holistic chiropractic care could allow you heal between workouts and prevent injury. Call our office in Midtown East, NY today for effective sports injury therapy and prevention.

Botelho, Marcelo and Bruno Andrade. Effect of Cervical Spine Manipulative Therapy on Judo Athletes’ Grip Strength. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2011; 35(11): 38-44.

November 04, 2014
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Dr. Valente

Dr. Valente graduated from Texas Chiropractic College in Houston, Texas, with a focus on Radiology, Rehabilitation, and Myofascial Disorders. During this time he received a certification in Acupuncture and was trained in Concussion Grading, Athletic Taping and Kinesio Taping techniques. At the same time he joined the Baseball Sports Medicine Institute where he treated Professional and Amateur athletes.